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Liver MD™

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  • Liver MD™ is one of our most comprehensive formulas because it covers broad-spectrum liver support. It is comprised of all non-GMO ingredients. Specifically, Liver MD™ promotes:

    • Phase I liver detoxification (detoxication)*

    • Phase II liver detoxication*

    • Antioxidant protection*

    • Glutathione production*

    • Healthy Fat metabolism*

    The liver uses an enzyme-based processing and transport system to eliminate toxins and their intermediates. This enzyme-based system primarily involves Phase I & II Conjugation Liver Detoxification (Detoxication). Phase I and II “conjugates” or attaches molecules to the toxins to better control, process and eliminate them. Initially conjugating a toxin can actually temporarily increase its toxicity, therefore antioxidants and toxin neutralizers are integral to this system. For example, Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) are two superior neutralizers of many liver toxins passing through Phase I & II processing.

    DIM® is a registered trademark of and is licensed from, BioResponse, LLC, Boulder CO US Patent # 6,086,915

  • Download Liver MD Product Info Sheet


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